Monday, February 15, 2010

Yay! It's Monday!

Am I the only person in the world who likes Mondays? Don't get me wrong, I love Saturday and Sunday, too, but Monday is a chance to start fresh. Forget about all of the things that made you wish Saturday would come quickly, and think about all of the things you can do right this week in comparison. My heavens- I sound like some demented motivational speaker!

Seriously, I get so mad at myself for slacking off during the week, knowing I have tons of crap to do. This is not only at work, but at home, too. My house could be beautiful if I'd just get off my ass and do something about it. All the plans in the world will not get anything done unless I motivate myself. So, that being said, I'm going to attempt to use this blog to assist me in this endeavor (or endeavour, if you're British).

Each week, I'm going to set some sort of house cleaning goal. Not, "Oh, today I'm doing the dishes". No, something along the lines of: "This week I will clean my bathroom from top to bottom so as not to acquire the plague or whatever flesh-eating disease might be living in there".

Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea. This week I will detail my upstairs bathroom- from the top of the wall cabinet, to the soap scum covering my tub.

So, who's with me? Everyone has something they can accomplish, even if it's only one project a week. My ultimate goal is to have my whole house de-junked and tidy before late spring, so when swimming season comes around, there's no guilt that I should be doing something else, and I won't have to worry about people just "dropping by".

So, here's to a cleaner, happier Monday for all of us!


  1. LOL! Ok, ok. I'll get to my blog. I love yours, though, keep it goin!

  2. You're on your own! Count me out!!!!!!!!
    But I wish you luck for this ambitious undertaking. Keep us informed. This being Tuesday may I ask what you have done so far this week? I'll keep bugging you.

  3. ok it's wed., what have you cleaned so far?

  4. You haven't posted anything for several days. You must be cleaning up a storm! Am I right???

  5. Umm, nope! I screwed myself up! I decided getting the snowblower fixed and sewing buttons and hook-thingys on John's pants were more important!
